Hello everyone,
Welcome to monthly Tarot blog post. This Tarot card pull is made with the intent to help you (the collective) in the month January 2022. If this post has reached you, have a read and see if it’s a message for you! Deck information will be available at the end of this blog post.
Let's get started!
The Ten of Pentacles suggests wealth, financial opportunity, and long-term success. Something I've been feeling very strongly for many of those around me and the collective! Have you been feeling this energy? It looks like you've accomplished something pretty huge in your journey. Maybe a new business, a creative project, an investment, a stable home environment? You are definitely surrounded by wealth and divine blessings. You are financially secure and the Universe is supporting you financially, trust it! You are creating a solid foundation for your success, be proud! It's ok to share your success with others! Your friends will be supportive of you and you will start realizing how your accomplishments impacts others in a positive way.
The next card is the Page of Cups (reversed) and signifies creative opportunities, new ideas, doubting yourself & your intuition. You might be keeping some creative ideas a secret and to yourself. Whatever the reasoning, know and be reminded by the Ten of Pentacles that your friends and family want you to succeed. It's ok to keep you ideas to yourself in the beginning while you solve quirks and odd ends. Once you're ready to begin, know that your true supporters will have your back. If you're having doubts about being able to bring a new idea to the physical world - this is a sign to stop doubting yourself. It's better to try something and fail than not try and never know what could have been. You will learn in the process, and that is valuable to your self-growth. It's possible you're experiencing a creative block - and if that's the case know that you will move through this with success. When it comes to intuition, listen & trust it. Stop second guessing yourself and your unlimited powers. You are the master creator of your reality!
Lastly, The Page of Wands is here to remind us of a few important things. Again, you have projects on the go, things you want to start, and you don't really have a plan. You are however excited, and that excitement is carrying this plan forward! Nothing is getting in the way of your dreams, you got this! Take your creativity and burst of ideas and ground it into reality. Map out your plan, make strategies, just do it. You will not regret getting this started.
In conclusion, it sounds like January is filled with creative energy, initiation, and motivation. Don't lose focus on your big visions. Work at it, and take the small steps necessary to get where you want to be. Trust the process!
Reading completed by Jessica
You can purchase The New Moon Deck made by Artist Melina Lamoureux (BC, Canada) in store!
Have a wonderful January everyone!